HCA Board of Directors & Staff
GREGOR LAWSON Morphsuits/AFG Media Term 2023-2025
JON STEIN Cinema Secrets, Inc. Term 2023-2025
CHRISTOPHER ZEPHRO Trick or Treat Studios Term 2023-2025
HOWARD BEIGE Rubies II, Inc. Standing Director
ALAN GELLER FunWorld Standing Director
ROBERT BERMAN Rasta Imposta Board Term 2023-2025
TARA CORTNER Disguise, Inc. Standing Director
HCA Staff
Michele Boylstein Executive Director Michele Boylstein is an experienced Association Executive at AH (Association Headquarters). She has been in the association industry for over 25 years in various positions and has worked with some of the top 50 conventions and trade shows in the US and internationally in her career. Driven by her passion, she takes pride in providing the best guidance possible to association leadership. As a seasoned Association professional, Michele's goals include providing governance and guidance in strategic plans for association leadership, engaging members, building awareness of member benefits, promoting education, and increasing attendance at meetings.
1120 Route 73, Suite 200 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Ph: 856-642-4410 Fax: 856-439-0525 Email: mboylstein@halloweencostumeassociation.org
Kimberly Libucki Membership Coordinator
Kimberly Libucki has 21 years of experience as a membership coordinator for several different corporate and trade associations. In addition to her membership responsibilities, she is also the Executive Assistant to the CERO at
Association Headquarters and manages professional development for Association Headquarters staff.
She started working with the Halloween and Costume Association in 2020 and has been enjoying learning about its members and mission. She is the front line of membership, so you can go to her with any questions regarding HCA!
1120 Route 73, Suite 200
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Ph: 856-380-6839 Fax: 856-439-0525
Email: klibucki@halloweencostumeassociation.org