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Why Join

HCA Membership Makes a Difference for Your Business:

Your Products

Our industry faces ever-changing government regulations and inconsistent product safety testing standards. Businesses need to be knowledgeable about current CPSIA regulations as well as what’s around the bend. HCA helps your business by:

  • Providing members clear and concise interpretations of industry news and regulations through communications, and member alerts. 
  • Developing industry standards to eliminate duplication of efforts including our developed Best Practices document for testing of Children's Costumes, and working with US Customs and other parties to address the inconsistent classification of costumes. 

  • Furthermore, HCA retains permanent legal counsel ensuring HCA is prepared to respond when pending legislation is open for comments as well as providing guidance for members.

Your Wallet

HCA membership can actually save your business money! Currently, HCA offers members a discount to exhibit in the Halloween & Party Expo. These discounts are often enough to largely pay for your annual HCA membership. 

Halloween & Party Expo

As co-owners of the Expo, we're able to offer exclusive discounts and benefits at the annual Halloween & Party Expo including:

  • Discount on regular booth pricing ($300 per 10x10)
    • This does not apply to premium space
  • 6' draped table,  2 chairs, carpet 
  • 4 exhibitor badges per 100 sq ft
  • Discounted corner fees ($150 savings per corner)
    • This does not apply to premium space
  • Company listing on website and in printed show directory
  • Logo on HPE website for HCA members
  • Buyers List (No Emails) 

Legal Resources Discount
HCA's general counsel has been active in the Halloween & Costume industry for many years. An invaluable resource to the industry, he represents HCA's interests in legislative and regulatory matters and assists in crisis situations. He services as a trusted resource to HCA member companies and represents their interest in topics ranging from antitrust to recall support to general business advice. Should an issue arise needing legal guidance, HCA members may reach out for a courtesy initial consultation, then 15% off of services if needed. 

Testing Lab Discount Program
HCA partnered with Bureau Veritas as it's preferred laboratory to offer it's members discounts on product testing. BV has over 30 years of technical expertise that enhances their ability to provide quality assurance services that will help strengthen and protect your brand by minimizing the risk of recalls, returns and complaints. 

Halloween & Costume Association Awards *NEW for 2024
Introducing an exclusive perk for our esteemed members! Get ready to showcase your spine-tingling creations at the inaugural Spooky Awards, brought to you by the Halloween & Costume Association (HCA). As an HCA member, you're entitled to submit your first entry at absolutely no cost! Plus, enjoy the privilege of submitting additional entries at a discounted rate of just $50 each. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be recognized as a leader in Halloween innovation and creativity!

Your Voice

Networking Opportunities

HCA provides a forum for members to discuss social and business issues through committees, e-newsletters and membership meetings.


Is negative press hurting your business? Are you looking to positively promote your business and the industry? HCA can help. HCA provides a united voice for the Halloween industry when hot issues arise and deflects attention from your business. HCA also serves as a point of contact for press opportunities giving all members the chance to positively promote their business. 

Your Halloween 

While the benefits of HCA membership speak for themselves, there is a genuine intangible benefit to joining HCA: one business alone cannot influence government regulations, generate positive publicity or establish consumer awareness. Businesses need one another to have their voices heard in a way that will impact the future of the Halloween industry.

HCA is a not-for-profit organization run by its members for its members. As a member of HCA, you're invited to get involved and play a vital role in the direction of the association and impact the industry.  Dues and show revenue are generated to promote the interests of the industry as a whole which benefits everyone. Your business needs HCA and HCA needs you- together we can make a difference. 

Your Membership

Each company has unique needs and finds value in belonging to the only association solely dedicated to promoting the industry.

HCA offers:

Regular Member

Any corporation, partnership or individual maintaining a place of business in the United States, Canada or Mexico and engage in the manufacture, importation or distribution of Halloween products (accounting for a minimum of 50% of its overall business) bearing its own name and/or trademark for general sale to retail distribution channels, is eligible for regular membership, providing such applicant is not also primarily engaged in the retailing, wholesaling or sales representation of Halloween products.

Regular Annual Dues - Based on Overall Halloween Sales
Up to $4,999,999 ‐‐ $1,050
$5 ‐ $10 Million ‐‐ $2,625
$10 ‐ $50 Million ‐‐ $5,250
Over $50 Million ‐‐ $10,500

Affiliate Manufacturer Member

Any corporation, partnership or individual maintaining a place of business in the United States, Canada or Mexico and engage in the manufacture, importation or distribution of products (such as party supplies, novelties, balloons, candy, other holidays, etc.) and has an interest in Halloween (less than 50% of overall business), bearing its own name and/or trademark for general sale to retail distribution channels, is eligible for affiliate membership, providing such applicant is not also primarily engaged in the retailing, wholesaling or sales representation of Halloween products. Affiliate members shall not have the power to vote or serve on the board of directors but may serve on committees.

Affiliate Manufacturer Annual Dues Schedule - Based on Overall Halloween Sales
Up to $4,999,999 -- $1,050
$5 - $10 Million -- $2,625
$10 - $50 Million -- $5,250
Over $50 Million -- $10,500

Affiliate Retailer Member

Any corporation, partnership or individual maintaining a place of business in the United States, Canada or Mexico, actively engaged in the selling of Halloween products intended for the North American market, providing such applicant is not also primarily engaged in the manufacture, importation or distribution of Halloween products. Affiliate members shall not have the power to vote or serve on the board of directors, but may serve on committees.

Affiliate Retailer Annual Dues Schedule Based on Overall Halloween Sales
Up to $4,999,999 ‐‐ $1,050
$5 ‐ $10 Million ‐‐ $2,625
$10 ‐ $50 Million ‐‐ $5,250 
Over $50 Million ‐‐ $10,500

Associate Member

The following corporations, partnerships or individuals shall be eligible to become associate members: sales representatives of Halloween manufacturers’ products to whole and retail customers, suppliers of raw materials, consulting or other services to a regular members firm, licensors and publications pertinent to the Halloween industry. Associate members shall not have the power to vote or serve on the board of directors but may serve on committees.

Annual Dues -- $1,050

Don’t Waste Another Minute! 

Joining HCA is simple and you can benefit sooner than you think! Click HERE to JOIN TODAY.


Connect With Us

1120 Route 73, Suite 200
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Our Mission

To promote and grow the safe celebration of Halloween and year-round costumed events throughout North America.